No Carbs/The Gut-Diet Cookbook – OMNi-BiOTiC® Shop

No Carbs/The Gut-Diet Cookbook

How to programme your gut to get you in shape!


No Carbs/The Gut-Diet Cookbook

How to programme your gut to get you in shape!


  • Warum Übergewicht oft aus dem Darm kommt
  • Schlankmacherbakterien versus Dickmacherbakterien
  • Schluss mit dem Jo-Jo-Effekt

Low carb was yesterday - no carbs is the current topic when it comes to healthy weight loss. Supported by effective probiotics and the right intestinal bacteria food, getting your diet on track is easy! Following the bestseller "The Gut Diet", the successful duo Frauwallner/Braune presents the best strategy for effective weight loss - and above all 100 delicious recipes that contain less than ten grams of carbohydrates per portion.

Topics included:

  • Why obesity often stems from within the gut
  • Slimming bacteria versus fattening bacteria
  • End the yo-yo effect
  • 100 recipes: with meat or fish, but also vegetarian or vegan


Anita Frauwallner has headed Institut Allergosan, a research center for all aspects of the "intestine" since 1992. She was the owner of one of the oldest pharmacies in Graz and is President of the "Austrian Society for Probiotic Medicine". Tanja Braune is a health journalist and nutrition expert. Her cookbooks always make a healthy, tasty, extremely versatile and really quick and practical meals possible. Please note this book is only available in the German language.